Microsoft Works MSWorksDBDoc Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Item Costs Lost Value Vendor1 Phone1 Price1 Comment1 Vendor2 Phone2 Price2 Comments2 Vendor3 Phone3 Price3 Comments3 Profit In Stock Cost Value ReorderNo 8Arial Arial eorderNo: low minimum: ing price above. tem cost PRODUCT INVENTORY Description: Category: Cost: SUPPLIERS CURRENT STATUS Total number sold: Currently in stock: Cost value of stock: Name: Phone: Price: Comment: Name: Phone: Price: Comment Name: Phone: Price: Comment: Starting quantity: Minimum required: Selling price: Stock number: Quantity status: Note: Current status calculations are based on the item cost and selling price above. Percent markup: RETURNED TO STOCK LOST OR DAMAGED NEW STOCK PRODUCT SALES Total lost or damaged: Total returned: Total new stock: Cost of new stock: Lost & damaged costs: Income from sales: Net profit from sales: MS Serif Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Item No Category Description Starting Qty Minimum Below Min Item Cost Markup Selling Price Sold1 Sold2 Sold3 Sold4 Sold5 Sold6 Sold7 Sold8 Sold9 Sold10 Sold11 Sold12 Return1 Return2 Return3 Return4 Return5 Return6 Return7 Return8 Return9 Return10 Return11 Return12 Lost1 Lost2 Lost3 Lost4 Lost5 Lost6 Lost7 Lost8 Lost9 Lost10 Lost11 Lost12 Stocked1 Stocked2 Stocked3 Stocked4 Stocked5 stocked6 Stocked7 Stocked8 Stocked9 Stocked10 Stocked11 Stocked12 Qty Sold Qty Lost Qty Returned Qty Replaced Sales Below Minimum Category PRODUCT INVENTORY CATEGORIES This report is part of the AutoStart Business Inventory template. It lists all inventory items organized by category. ITEM NUMBER REPLACED PROFITS IN STOCK ITEM MINIMUM Cost of all category purchases: Total category sales Total category profits SUMMARY OF ALL ITEMS Item Costs: Total Sales: Total Profits: Alphabetic List PRODUCT INVENTORY ITEMS This report is part of the AutoStart Business Inventory template. It lists all inventory items sorted alphabetically by description. ITEM NUMBER REPLACED PROFIT IN STOCK ITEM MINIMUM SUMMARY OF ALL ITEMS Item Costs: Total Sales: Total Profits: Item Number PRODUCT INVENTORY STOCK NUMBERS This report is part of the AutoStart Business Inventory template. It lists all inventory items sorted numerically by item stock number. ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION REPLACED PROFITS IN STOCK ITEM MINIMUM SUMMARY OF ALL ITEMS Item Costs: Total Sales: Total Profits: Reorder Status STOCK REORDER STATUS This report is part of the AutoStart Business Inventory template. It lists all inventory items and indicates if the current quantity is above or below minimum. ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY IN STOCK MINIMUM REQUIRED ITEM STATUS MINIMUM REORDER